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  • pw2257

Applications Assignment Week 5 - Evolving Media

  • Questions about Evolving Media

  1. How do we make new media (or updated media) accessible? The UI of new technological invention tend to be ageist and ableist. How can we try to design for ALL, or give priority to the underserved/underrepresented?

  2. Why do media evolve? Is cultural behavior driving the change or is technology driving the change?

  3. How does evolving media landscape affects politics? How do the way people approach media change election results?

  4. How can we use media to solve the pandemic? What are other countries' examples of using media to control their COVID spread?

  5. I rely on media to connect with my hometown. Instead of talking to a real person there I tend to look up on the internet. Is this way of receiving information authentic? What am I missing?

  6. How does evolving media affect our wellbeing, physically and mentally? How does that make up certain personalities for a generation of people?

  • Make a list of the "Signals" you see around you, and what you think the next big thing will be!

  1. The boom of food delivery service and ghost kitchens - since COVID lockdown people order food more often, then the ghost kitchens that are shared between restaurants started popping up. This will stay even after the pandemic because people realize its convenience, choose to spend time at home more, and businesses can save money operating without a storefront.

  2. Digital wallet and virtual banking - the elimination of physical debit cards and the popularization of online banking (again thanks to covid) will continue rising. Traditional bank locations will have to go once the security measures of virtual banking are set and regulated.

  3. Remote workers - personally I'm working two part-time jobs that are completely remote. None of them were remote before but had to adapt for the new social situation. They both benefited from it, either from the better audience turnout or from the bigger pool of contractors. My employers are just small example of many businesses around the world. Remote work is definitely changing the landscape of metropolitan areas.

  4. Genetic modified humans - I learned that people now can inject genome to themselves to try curing diseases. Also, there are clinics that provide genetically customized embryo for the parents who want certain traits to be passed on to their children. I think this is super exciting because of how ethically contradictory it is right now, how inaccessible it must be for poor people, and how all the better(super) humans will widen the class gap. THIS will be the next big thing!

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